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[육아휴직]아빠표 !!! 영어 읽기 / English Book reading for kindergarten students #1 ■ Title Stars ■ Book Cover ■ 내용 1. Kindergarten Students version Look up to the dark, night sky, little friends. What do you see? Lots and lots of bright, twinkling stars! A long, long time ago, some people thought the sky was like a giant bowl turned upside down, perched high upon the tallest mountains. They believed that the stars were little holes poked in the bowl, letting the light from the.. 2023. 11. 4.
[육아휴직]아빠표 !!! 영어단어 / Memorize English words for kindergarten students#1 유치원생 둘째와 함께 영어 공부하기 유치원에서 내어준 단어 암기 숙제 입니다. 오늘의 단어 공부 10개 입니다. No Words English Definition / Examples 1 air the gasses around the earth that people breathe 2 fly to move through the air 3 half by 50 percent 4 left on or to the side opposite of right 5 little small 6 new not old 7 shop a small sotre 8 show to let someone see 9 use to put something into action 10 wait to stay in one place until so.. 2023. 11. 4.